Saturday 2 November 2013

I see a red wall and I want it painted any other color but red

The dining room, which we will be using as the living room for now, has paneling AND it's RED. These are two of my least favorite things, but our priority list does not include new walls at the moment. Paint will suffice for now and today I started to cut in with primer, because I hear red bleeeeeeeeds!  

To make a confession, I have never used primer before nor have I painted over paneling OR red paint so it will be interesting to say the least! I am itching to paint but I have to wait for the electricians to come in and take out some of our knob and tube because they may have to wreck my walls! Here is the progress of my cutting in. So much fun....NOT! 

Don't get me wrong... I love painting but I broke my arm so it makes everything a little more difficult. I can't really control my claw hand and I keep tilting my paint lid and dripping all over the place haha. 

At least I have finally decided on a color for this room! It was a brash decision but I painted a patio table in Aqua Bay 355-5 by Pittsburgh Paints The Voice of Color

Bye bye harvest Red!

Putting the last bit of primer on was very satisfying! 

I found a nice color of mistint for super cheap but I completely missed the fact that it was an exterior paint with mildew repellent in it and I've heard that it's not good to use in heavy traffic interior spaces. I passed up a GREAT dark teal for this color so I am a bit disappointed. My arm is still healing so I could only carry one can of paint at a time anyways. The budget appreciates my one arm full only rule. 

I can't wait to say buhbye to these wall sconces. They provide ZERO light but I can't find anything to replace them. Don't mind my craft junk in the background - we emptied the storage lockers now that there is room in OUR HOUSE! :) 

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