Friday 29 November 2013

The Master Bedroom Gets Painted

I have been struggling to pick a color for the master bedroom since we saw the house and decided to buy it. The existing color is really nice on the walls and compliments the attached closet room color (which I kept) but I know that it won't go with any of our stuff. It also feels really dark when the sun goes down, so I wanted to brighten it up and make it feel bigger. 

I could have gone a smidge darker but I will try this color out for a bit. As per usual, it was hard to capture its true color in pictures. It's called Poolside Blue by Behr.
Once I got the cutting done, the walls looked like a really nice grey color and I almost thought about keeping the original but I painted on. Oh, and I made the executive decision to paint the pole in the corner. It was the right decision - that corner was so tough to paint and the pole got splatter all over it. 

Ahhh a freshly cut room! 

With the flash on full blast, the room looks like a tooootally different color! 

I think the walls look like the office here and that's okay because I love that color! 

This is as close as I can get to the true color. I am so excited! It's right in between bright and cool and warm and jewel tone and refreshing and soothing - it's a very versatile color! I hope it will light up the room......

The little doorway that connects to the closet room is the perfect height for me but hubby has to duck. In the future we'd love to take the wall down between the closet room and reconfigure these spaces once we renovate the bathroom. Oh, and remove that random electrical panel in the middle of the wall. Is that too high to hang a piece of art? Of course it is.... 

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