Monday 18 November 2013

Kitchen Cabinets

The kitchen was going to be my first heavy duty mission I planned to undertake in the new house because I had a vision and was filled with inspiration. I quickly discovered how annoying cabinets are to remove AND paint AND REATTACH, so I stopped after doing the 2 small cabinets above the microwave. 

You can see here that there's not a huge difference between colors and I wanted it to be much darker. Now I might do something totally different or hold off until we redo the whole kitchen.  

I chose the accent wall color based on the kitchen cabinets and I painted the accent wall before the cabinets, so even though I didn't go with the grey, I think the Tropical Cabana blue by Benjamin Moore still works. I got away with buying 2 small tester jars from Home Depot and managed to cover the whole wall. If I need to touch the wall up in the future I might splurge on a 'real' pint of paint.

It looked like it was in between the two I wasn't completely sold.

I wasn't sure if the color was tinted properly as it matched the lighter shade of Grey more than the middle Puritan Grey but it also depends on the light. 

I have yet to paint the cabinets back to the original Cardigan blue and I hope the paint hasn't dried or rusted up inside like another can I found in the basement. Also, who knew it was rocket science to reattach cupboard doors? Even the slightest bit of misalignment results in wonky doors! I fixed one of them, but can't jack up the other door, bringing even more attention to their mismatched color. Oh the joys of home "improvement"! On another note, the flashlight is our new "oven light" since we can't seem to fix it and can't see if food is ready or not haha. 

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