Sunday 17 November 2013

The Office Gets Painted

I made another quick decision after pondering for MUCH too long and decided on the office paint color. I found Jamaica Bay by Behr and it turned out better than I thought it would. I was surprised with the color because it was the lightest on the paint chip and the other colors were really dark and totally different tones and I wasn't sure how it was going to turn out.  Needless to say I am excited to work in this office! 

I finally wrangled up my hubby to help me paint! We ordered pizza and had a painting party. The closet in the office goes up super high and needed new paint so he started in there with a paint brush. This was his first time painting and needless to say he had a bunch of drips in his hair that also got on his butt when he sat on the shelf he's standing on. 

Completing the cutting is the most satisfying part of the job for me. What about you? 

I got an off white blue color to freshen up the trim and paint the closet but after hubby painted the closet, I decided that I didn't like color. It's not as dark as it looks in this picture but it definitely does not look like an off white. It looked good with the wall color on paint chips but not on the walls. Lesson learned - buy samples of trim paint! 

First coat done! The color is so light and fresh! I love the natural wood French door but I feel like I should paint it. But what color?...hmmmm. 

If you look at the door trim on the right, I tried out the blue paint and it's a LOT different than the light peach trim that was already there. I decided I will be painting the trim pure bright white to match the rest of the house. The trim throughout the house has several coats of paint but is in mostly good shape, except for the office. The baseboards used to be lime green and the walls were dark blue, and the trim is chipped to the natural wood in the window. 

Here's a closeup of the blue paint that just isn't working for me.

Second coat all done! 

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